
The inner part of the mortise is generally made from steel


A hollow masonry mortise is used for the attachment of […]

A hollow masonry mortise is used for the attachment of shoring iron and metal to concrete slabs. Hollow masonry mortises can be cut in different shapes as per the requirement of the project and are available with various head sizes and drilling holes. They are designed for cutting through soil, gravel or rock, which is then later on pushed back into place by the use of a metal stem. The depth of cut and the angle of the cut made to determine the length of the mortise. Normally, a mortise is of two pieces, with the inner one of larger diameter than the outer one.

The inner part of the mortise is generally made from steel or copper and the outer one from either wood or plastic. There is no difference in the mechanical properties of these parts when they are attached to each other, although there are some exceptions such as when plastic is used instead of metal. Hollow masonry mortise attachments are extremely useful and are widely used in concrete slabs, where their ability to withstand pressure while at the same time acting as a counterbalance to keep the slab rigid while it is being molded, makes them ideal for masonry applications. Hollow masonry mortise attachments are available in different sizes for varying projects. For example, a heavy duty plastic collar can be added to a plastic core to provide a secure holding place for blocks of concrete.

The cost of a masonry mortise varies according to the material used, the size of the masonry mortise, its construction and its finish. Plastic mortise attachments are available at relatively low prices. Plastic mortise attachments are also available in various forms such as spindles, pins and levers, so that the mortise can be manipulated precisely and easily. Such tools can also help to increase the life of a mortise. If you are planning a renovation project and require the use of a heavy duty masonry mortise, you can get the job done using a plastic masonry mortise.


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