
The proper tool set for a player is one of the most important items


The proper tool set for a player is one of the most imp […]

The proper tool set for a player is one of the most important items in any repairman's arsenal. Pliers are often used in all kinds of repair situations and a good pair will allow the handy man to do his job better and more efficiently than ever before. Having a good tool set in your own tool box just makes good common sense, but it can be difficult to know where to begin when you are looking for an appropriate pair of pliers for your work needs. There are a number of factors that must be considered when choosing the right pair of pliers and in this article I will discuss 3 specific pairs of pliers that would best suit the needs of any repairman. Aluminum case hand tools are great additions to any tool box and will allow you to maximize the usefulness of your favorite pair of pliers.

The first pair of pliers that we will look at are the 1 pc ratchets. Ratchets are designed to be used on both the front and back of the handle. They are very versatile tools that can be used to tighten or loosen bolts and screws without removing the nut or screw from its slot. They come with a 1 pc ratchet assembly and an optional trim ring.

The second set of pliers that we will look at are the 2 pc sockets and wrench sets. These pliers are designed to be used on both the back and front of the handle. They come in a variety of sizes and materials and most manufacturers offer a good assortment of features on their models. They are a valuable part of any repairman's tool box and should be part of almost every pliers tool set.


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